Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I have disorder

As many of you may know... I suffer from 

It's just a little impulse control disorder. Nothing big. It began when I was a child and has carried over into my teenage years. Most people with onychophagia apparently lack confidence and have unstable nervous systems.  In fact, we are even predisposed to emotional and psychological disorders. 
It's an early indicator of OCD. 
(and I always told Mallory I didn't have any OCD problems) 

That is such a load of crap!!!

I bite my nails.

That means I'm a sociopath? well thank you Dr. Phil... but no thanks
A couple days ago I decided to stop biting my nails and guess what? they're gorgeous!!

Now my new problem is scracthing off all the fingernail polish which prevents me from biting my nails... so I have to repaint my nails daily..

sigh. Oh the life of an onychophagist 


  1. hey I have that too :D

  2. I always pick my nail polish off too! And I noticed your French playlist on the post under this one. Have you heard Caravane by Raphael? And have you seen Amelie? Both are exquisite.

  3. Cool song :D thanks for the recommendation
