Sunday, July 31, 2011


I honestly hate blogging and I'm really bad at being one of those "religious bloggers" but I decided I would like to post photos, quotes, sayings, snippets, basically assortments of "stuff" I like on my blog.  So here goes.

Perhaps commentary will occasionally accompany the "stuff" as well.

I'm not a harry potter fan...
but any one can love this.

Monday, July 4, 2011

I Watched A Bug Die

Have you ever watched a bug die?

They just kind of flop over on their back, their legs flailing around, until they die. It's like they can't just roll over and keep walking.

What if people were like that? One minute we flopped over on our backs, our arms and legs flailing around, until we died. No one would be there to stop by and roll us over to say "hey, keep walking" or even worse; they would chose not to.
Do you think that's how the world is? Do you think that people are lacking in the oversized heart department? Is our ability to care decreasing at  an alarming rate?
I like to believe that each day the world is a better place, that each day people are leaving the world a little better than they left it, but I just feel like people are becoming more and more apathetic.
Does nothing matter anymore? Are we really so self-absorbed that there's no time for a friend dying of cancer or  time to drop some money in a tin for starving children.
When did what's in it for me become more important than what's in it for them ?

I think we all get a little too caught up in life sometimes that we forget the needs out there. We forget that to get a hand we have to give a hand. To get picked up we have to do some picking up.

There are so many people out their lying on their backs with their arms flailing, and we're just watching them die.

But what does it matter, its just bugs right?

Friday, July 1, 2011

a million ways to say

i'm sorry
i love you
thank you

you know, there's a million ways to say those simple phrases. You can say "I know I'm not perfect" or "you're one in a million" but really, what happened to the simple phrases? Since when does "I love you" or "I'm sorry" require insignificant fluff.  Can't the words stand on their own? 

Tell me, when did simplicity become outdated?

cause I MISS IT.

People get too caught trying to say something in one hundred words that would have just as much meaning in five.

So world, I think we need to say less, and mean more because it only takes a fraction of a second to have your world turned upside down.

Be the one to say "I'm sorry" first or "I love you" and mean it.
Don't spend time waiting for some one else to take responsibility because too many people already do that.
Its easier to be the spectator than the player, but if you never play you never win.

Say the simple words just for the sake of saying them
Don't complicate them, leave them as they are in their simplicity. Words are beautiful as they come.
Language doesn't need to be complicated.

Simplicity is beautiful.