Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do not hide your beautiful face.
It's only bananas that get ugly with time.

Remember to giggle once in a while.

and Laugh even when you feel like dying.

gifts SUCK

...Once upon a time...

I hate getting gifts. 

Seriously. No joke. I hate it. 

It's not like I'm against the whole "Christmas spirit of giving" thing because I believe that it is a wonderful part of Christmas. I just don't like being on the receiving end. I already have friends, family, love, education, and material wants like my car and clothes. There is nothing else that I really need. 
I'm happy with what I have.

This is how every Christmas goes. 

I mean heck, I asked for a teapot, some headphones, and salt and pepper shakers... for Christmas.
"No, seriously what do you want?" - The parents
um... Literally, I would be FINE getting those 3 gifts in total. HONEST. 
Don't mistake me as a "holier than thou" doo gooder wishing my gifts away to others so that I can feel better about myself. That's not it all. No doubt sub for santas or soup kitchen volunteering would make me happier than gift receiving, but that's just the type of person I am. I can't help that. 
But it is more than that. 
It's that I feel WRONG getting gifts. Not that I don't deserve them because I think I'm a despicable human being or something like that. I like myself. I just think others deserve the gifts more.

Most people would jump for joy to open a gift, spy inside, and see a brand new guitar or perhaps a new snowboard with a giant bow. But me? No. I open a box, look inside and go... hm. That's $900 that could have provided Christmas for another family but it'll just end up in the garage collecting dust.

The worst part of this all? Wearing my emotions on my sleeve. When I open a gift, I try REALLY hard to make it look like I'm SOO excited to get it. But then my mom will go "You don't like it do you?" and my response usually ends up being similar to the collecting dust statement. 


I wish for Christmas instead of trying to buy me things people would give me their time. Or do things with me. Do you realize how much longer a memory lasts than a physical gift? Going to temple square with a group of friends to have a blast for FREE is worth soo much more to me than some new ipod that will be out of date and forgotten by next year anyway.

I think Christmas should be changed. It shouldn't be a time of gift giving but rather a time of time giving. Anyone can stop by the bath and body works, pick out a lotion, and pass it off to a friend as a "hear-felt" Christmas gift, but it takes a true friend to give you a day of their busy schedule to go sledding or photo-shooting. 

Can't we all do a little better this Christmas? 
Can't we all put the love back into the spirit of Christmas?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I have disorder

As many of you may know... I suffer from 

It's just a little impulse control disorder. Nothing big. It began when I was a child and has carried over into my teenage years. Most people with onychophagia apparently lack confidence and have unstable nervous systems.  In fact, we are even predisposed to emotional and psychological disorders. 
It's an early indicator of OCD. 
(and I always told Mallory I didn't have any OCD problems) 

That is such a load of crap!!!

I bite my nails.

That means I'm a sociopath? well thank you Dr. Phil... but no thanks
A couple days ago I decided to stop biting my nails and guess what? they're gorgeous!!

Now my new problem is scracthing off all the fingernail polish which prevents me from biting my nails... so I have to repaint my nails daily..

sigh. Oh the life of an onychophagist 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pour mes amis francais

For those of you who speak french..
or are okay with listening to music in another language...

voilà ce que je suggère

Le Chant des coquelicots - Amélie-les-crayons
Ta p'tite flamme - Amélie-les-crayons
Quand je marche - Bensé
Qui se soucie de moi - Cali
Comme des enfants - Coeur de pirate 
Entre Saint Ouen et Clignancourt - Edith Piaf 
Le diable rit - June
N'importe quoi - Little 
Bonhomme Hélium - Pierre Souchon 
Petite chanson - Tété

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dear indigo, I’m waiting for you.
Waiting oh waiting for you.
Though the skys may change
to shades of lighter blue
indigo, I’m here for you.

colors may change
time will fade them away
but indigo oh indigo
you’ll always be my favorite shade of blue

You always were
the darkest hue
but watch how I’ll brighten you
a wise man once tried
to use you
to make works of art, that’s true
but then he died
and now its up to me
to show the world what you can be


cerulean won’t do
well baby blue, that’s out too
so indigo its up to you
indigo my favorite shade of blue

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm attracted to the everyman

You know what I realized? I'm pretty much attracted to everyone.
everyone that is a man that is.

Because guess what, I think everyone has something beautiful about them and its usually that "ONE THING" that I end up finding attractive. For example, a guy may have the ugliest butt chin, but if his eyes are gorgeous, I find him attractive no matter how heinous the chin.

Is that weird?

I suppose so...
But it's like really great songs. There's that ONE PART that you absolutely love and the rest of the song is just mediocre, but you still listen to the whole song for that one part. Eventually, you come to like all of the song. Its the same with guys. They may have the greatest smile or super cute ears and the rest of their features may just be average. It doesn't really matter all that much. 
The more I get to know a guy I can learn to accept the less attractive parts of him. They some how become attractive to me because of his personality (If I like his personality) 
Who woulda thought personality could have a physical impact on some ones appearance?

here's the problem with all of this.

I think I'm going to marry some one I don't find attractive.
I feel most comfortable around minimally handsome men.
Once I find something attractive about a guy, I don't really see them as a "brother" type friend anymore. Its like "O they're cute. Potential dating material!" even if I really consciously have no intent in dating them. Then, once I've realized I like something about them, I get all nervous in their presence or I feel like I have to be my best around them and I can't just joke around or be crazy kari. 
I don't particularly love that because I'm a genuine person.
  The guys that I like to be around I don't find attractive and I feel no need to impress them. This means I get to know them better and they're my best friends.
You're supposed to marry your best friend
even if they're ... well... ugly.

In the words of Elder Ballard "Get married. Just do it"
Everyone can be beautiful 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Has your car ever hit another car without you in it?

ya ..... that happened today.....


but its okay!! Rabbi Omar wasn't hurt.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Late Bloomer

I've been thinking about this recently....
And I am pretty sure I know what I want to do with my life. 

I've sort of always wanted to be a teacher; it has always been an appealing career.
but you see, I have this fear of being a terrible teacher. 
I think I could be great, but I know I could be horrible too.

My friend lindsey tells me all the time that I have more potential than being a teacher, but in my eyes, teachers are some of the most influential people in the world. They shape our thoughts, the very way we perceive our world around us. Teachers have shaped my opinion and formed my beliefs throughout my life. 

Why wouldn't I want to do the same things for others? 

I just. I feel like I need to change the lives of others. I need to help others learn how to think outside the box and be open minded. I need to "SHOW" people the world. Really show it to them.
Perhaps the best way to do that is as a teacher. 

why do most people view teaching professions as unworthy careers? 

I can't think of a more worthy profession. 
I'm deciding to major in Interdisciplinary Humanities with an Art History emphasis and a French minor with intention to go into secondary education. 


Barrel Roll

If you've never gone to google and typed in

"Do a barrel roll"


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trying new things

 In college
 I don't do extra curricular activities and those were my LIFE in high school.
So I'm somewhat dying of boredom
and I guess I could study 
make new friends
get a job..

but instead, 

I'm learning how to play guitar!

side note: pay no attention to the awful singing voice

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I think note

Instead of taking notes like a good college child....

I doodle!