Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Despise Blogging

Dear Bloggers out there,

I really hate blogging. I do.
I mean, who seriously thought about creating some sort of online realm where thoughts and feelings could be shared on a whim?
There's all these blogs out there that speak of secrets, tragedies, happiness, and personal life stories...
and anyone can read them. A-N-Y-O-N-E.
A stranger. A neighbor. Your Grandma. That kid in your math class who smells like cheese...
I mean, do you ever truly know?
They don't have to talk to you face to face.
There is no need to.
No one needs to.
No one has to take the time at school, at work, or at church to find out how you are.
They can simply make a few clicks instead, read about your life, and voila. The act of being a "good neighbor" is finished with the click of a mouse.
Its all so impersonal.
and I hate it.

So why do we blog?

We blog because, secretly, deep down inside, we love blogging. It's true. There's just something so therapeutic about pressing a few keys and watching our thoughts unfold on a screen. Sometimes it's just nice to let the words be there simply because they can be, and you know what? It doesn't matter if the words suck or if anyone reads it because blogging isn't for your friends or your neighbor or even the fuzzy cat that watches from your lap as you type your blog posts. Blogging is for the individual. Blogging is for you and
Its for me.

So, Blog because you can, because you want to, or because you don't want to.
Get your story OUT HERE.
Don't be afraid to let the strangers read it.
Don't be afraid if others read it and don't like it.
Don't even be afraid if no one reads it,
because in the end, what you write is utimately for you and if you just happen to have a reader that gets something out of your words, then keep on writing because you never know who you'll touch and you never know when.

You don't have to talk face to face with someone to touch their heart or their minds. All you have to do is  type the words, place the period, press the publish button, and walk away.

1 comment:

  1. Ha I love it Kari. You're a great writer. I appreciate this blog post.
