Saturday, May 21, 2011

Know What Matters

I think, that sometimes we all forget.
I think, that sometimes we forget because we don't want to remember.
I think that sometimes, we don't think because thinking means deciding whether or not to forget or remember.

But we need to think, remember, cherish, laugh in the moments, and savor that laughter, because life is short.

I ask you this question:

If you died today would you like who you've turned out to be?

Could you shuffle of this mortal coil with no regrets? Would you die believing in something worth believing in?
Joan of Arc once said, "One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying."

So I hope you listened to Shane. Because he said it all.

Realize there are moments in life to laugh. Moments to cry. Moments to understand. And moments to not understand anything at all.

and you know what?
When you come to realize that you probably don't know a single thing about anything, you're just around the corner from recognizing that life will be ok.

and that's all that matters.

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